
波波小说>永别了,武器(英文版)海明威著 > 第22部分(第1页)


〃Why not?〃

〃They dont like me。〃

〃Why not?〃

〃I am the snake。 I am the snake of reason。〃

〃Youre getting it mixed。 The apple was reason。〃

〃No; it was the snake。〃

He was more cheerful。

〃You are better when you dont think so deeply;〃 I said。

〃I love you; baby;〃 he said。 〃You puncture me when I bee a great Italian thinker。 But I know many things I cant say。 I know more than you。〃

〃Yes。 You do。〃

〃But you will have a better time。 Even with remorse you will have a better time。〃

〃I dont think so。〃

〃Oh; yes。 That is true。 Already I am only happy when I am working。〃 He looked at the floor again。

〃Youll get over that。〃

〃No。 I only like two other things; one is bad for my work and the other is over in half an hour or fifteen minutes。 Sometimes less。〃

〃Sometimes a good deal less。〃

〃Perhaps I have improved; baby。 You do not know。 But there are only the two things and my work。〃

〃Youll get other things。〃

〃No。 We never get anything。 We are born with all we have and we never learn。 We never get anything new。 We all start plete。 You should be glad not to be a Latin。〃

〃Theres no such thing as a Latin。 That is Latin thinking。 You are so proud of your defects。〃 Rinaldi looked up and laughed。

〃Well stop; baby。 I am tired from thinking so much。〃 He had looked tired when he came in。 〃Its nearly time to eat。 Im glad youre back。 You are my best friend and my war brother。〃

〃When do the war brothers eat?〃 I asked。

〃Right away。 Well drink once more for your livers sake。〃

〃Like Saint Paul。〃

〃You are inaccurate。 That was wine and the stomach。 Take a little wine for your stomachs sake。〃

〃Whatever you have in the bottle;〃 I said。 〃For any sake you mention。〃

〃To your girl;〃 Rinaldi said。 He held out his glass。

〃All right。〃

〃Ill never say a dirty thing about her。〃

〃Dont strain yourself。〃

He drank off the cognac。 〃I am pure;〃 he said。 〃I am like you; baby。 I will get an English girl too。 As a matter of fact I knew your girl first but she was a little tall for me。 A tall girl for a sister;〃 he quoted。

〃You have a lovely pure mind;〃 I said。

〃Havent I? Thats why they call me Rinaldo Purissimo。〃

〃Rinaldo Sporchissimo。〃

〃e on; baby; well go down to eat while my mind is still pure。〃

I washed; bed my hair and we went down the stairs。 Rinaldi was a little drunk。 In the room where we ate; the meal was not quite ready。

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