
波波小说>gossip girl 8 英文 > 第7部分(第1页)


society columns but never in person。 And for an old man; he was supremely sexy。

?Ah; Mr。 de la Renta;? Marthe greeted her boss with a warm smile。 ?Miss Waldorf will wear your

suits well; no??

Mr。 de la Renta looked Blair up and down and then flashed her an appreciative smile。 ?Very well;?

he agreed。 He turned to Marcus。 ?I missed your mother in Milan。?

?Hello; Uncle Oscar。? Marcus smiled broadly; stepped forward; and embraced the designer;

hugging him affectionately。 Blair nearly threw up all over the beautiful floor。

Uncle Oscar!?

Marcus chuckled and then touched her arm。 ?He?s not really my uncle; but he may as well be。

My mother won?t wear anything but the clothes Uncle Oscar makes for her。?

Who could blame her?

For once; Blair was speechless。 She felt exactly like Dorothy inThe Wizard of Oz when she

wakes up after the Kansas cyclone and finds herself in Munchkinland; confronted by Glinda; the

beautiful; good witch。 Except that Blair wasn?t nearly as fat as Judy Garland。She was a sizetwo !

?This way; Miss Waldorf;? Marthe instructed; leading the way to a large jade green?curtained

dressing room。 She hung up four suits on the hooks inside?two in size four and two in size two。

?Don?t worry; I?ll fit her; Marthe;? Mr。 de la Renta called after them。 ?Let me just find my

measuring tape。?

Blair was convinced she was dreaming; so whatever Mr。 de la Renta said was fine with her。

Marthe helped her into a size two skirt; which fit her like a dream; but as soon as she slipped her

arms into the sleeves of the size two jacket; it was clear that the shoulders were going to be too

tight。 Marthe sped it for the four; fastened the bow on the narrow leather belt; and then threw

open the curtain。


Blair put her hands on her hips and strutted out of the dressing room like a runway model;

swishing the pleated skirt from side to side; a huge grin plastered to her face。 Why hadn?t she

thought of wearing a suit like this before? Not that therewere many suits like this one。 It was

elegant and tarty at the same time?totally chic; but most of all; unique。

?Blimey;? Marcus breathed。 ?You?re stunning。?

And so are you!Blair almost blurted out。 Not only was Lord Marcus breathtakingly handsome

and royal; he was bosom buddies with the most amazing fashion designer in the universe。

Mr。 de la Renta frowned and shook out his measuring tape。 ?The waist is all wrong;? he fretted;

tugging on Blair?s jacket。 ?And the bodice is too high。? He undid the belt and unfastened the

buttons on the jacket; yanking it roughly away from Blair?s arms。 ?You may keep the skirt; darling。

But please; may I make you a jacket that fits??

May he?

Blair wished Serena or one of her other classmates would walk by and see her standing in the

middle of the Oscar de la Renta boutique wearing only her shell pink La Perla bra and one

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