
波波小说>gossip girl 8 英文 > 第19部分(第1页)


Bmooning theYale Club out of her new Beamer convertible。V mooning the Yale Club out ofB ?s

new Beamer convertible。 The girls started celebrating early; so who knows what kind of shape

they?ll be in later tonight。 ? That conceited indie film director paying a personal visit toS ?s

family?s Fifth Avenue penthouse。S stepping out of her apartment building; looking resplendent in

a yellow eyeletTocca sundress。 Thank goodness she changed。J inBed; Bath and Beyond ; already

decorating her room atWaverly Prep。 D buying a whole bucketful of red roses for guess who?

Good thing she didn?t leave town; but too bad she?s forgotten all about him! Tonight should betr?s;

tr?s interessant 。

See you then!

You know you love me。

gossip girl

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times

Still wearing her perfectly fitted white satin Oscar de la Renta suit; Blair sat on Lord Marcus?s

knee on a brown leather wing…back chair in the Yale Club lounge; feeling weirdly content as

throngs of people wandered into her graduation party with their yearbooks tucked under their arms。

She and Lord Marcus hadn?t had a chance to consummate her graduationyet ; but as soon as the

party kicked into high gear; they?d slip up to her suite and do it once and for all。 She?d already

filled the suite with Diptyque candles in scents of sandalwood; bergamot; and lime; and

underneath her suit she was wearing her favorite new cream…colored embroidered cotton

Cosabella camisole…and…thong set。

The lounge was its same crusty old New York self; except for the six flat…screen Pioneer TVs

hanging from the wood…paneled walls; running Vanessa?s latest film on a constant loop。 The fact

that all the characters in the film were slowly trickling into the party made it seem like the opening

night of an edgy new documentary; and everyone at the party felt totally famous。

?I told you I was telegenic;? Chuck Bass crowed; watching himself onscreen。 He?d arrived with

an entourage of crew…cutted boys in gray flannel uniforms no one else there had ever laid eyes on


That?s because he?d raided the sophomore class of some random Catholic school near his Sutton

Place apartment and paid the boys to e。

?They?re cute;? Isabel remarked; eyeballing a particularly innocent; wide…eyed…looking boy who

was signing Chuck?s Riverside Prep yearbook with a yellow highlighter pen。 Isabel had changed

into a pair of cutoff Rogan jeans and a cut…up red Juicy Couture T…shirt and was looking almost

indecently slutty。

The boy eyeballed her back。 He?d never seen so much well…tended exposed skin。 Maybe it was

his lucky night!

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