
波波小说>gossip girl 8 英文 > 第25部分(第1页)


understood what they were about to do。 The two girls smiled; their heads drawing nearer and

nearer to each other; as if in slow motion。

?You know you love me;? they murmured in unison before their lips met in a kiss。

The room grew noticeably silent as everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to stare;

but the two girls kept on kissing。 Was this some sort of gag; everyone wondered; some final senior


Maybe。 Or maybe not。


ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02

================================== Gossipgirl


ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02


Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to

protect the innocent。 Namely; me。

hey people!

Good morning; graduates!

Didn?t you think your face looked a wee bit different this morning?or afternoon; I should say;

since none of us even went to bed until this morning? Yesterday was sort of surreal; but yes; it

really did happen。 We did it; and now we?redone 。

The days are short and the nights are very; very long

It?s Tuesday afternoon?almost evening; really?and here I am still in bed。 First thing I did when I

woke up? Tossed my graduation outfit in the back of my closet and tossed my

never…to…be…worn…again school uniforms down my building?s garbage chute。 I then thought about

making plicated plans to take a bunch of friends out to the beach in Sag Harbor in my

exquisite new European…import car。 But then I changed my mind。 There?s absolutely no hurry。 We

can do that tomorrow; or the next day; or the next。 So I ordered up breakfast from E。A。T。; climbed

back into bed; and here I am still; utterly content。 I?m going to stay here for at least another half

hour?until it?s time to get ready to go out again。 Forget frolicking in the sun all day?you have to

get up early for that。 Summer is really about those long; long nights out!

Yale club adopts new party policy

Twelve hours later and they?re still scraping people off the oriental carpets in the lounge and

tucking them into cabs。 After last night?s mix of topless girls; boys in human pyramids; girls

making out with girls; boys making out with boys; the disappearance of the Yale flag that hangs

over the club?s front door; and guests plaining about the insanely loud music and cigarette

smoke; the club simply had to do something。 From now on; Yale Club members are wele to

throw parties; but only for other Yale Club members and their families。 No outside guests allowed。

Sounds like a certain Yale…bound threesome had better stay on good terms if they ever want to

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