
波波小说>gossip girl 8 英文 > 第32部分(第1页)


few。 The first school had turned out to have a strict disciplinary code and had been too boring for

words。 Within minutes of getting to the second school; on the other hand; she?d been offered

Ecstasy and had taken her top off。 But just like the third bed for Goldilocks; the third school that

Jenny had tested; Waverly; was just right。

Well; to tell the truth; she hadn?t actually visited Waverly?she?d run out of time; applied way

past the deadline; and taken some creative liberties with her application?but she?d looked at

thousands of pictures online and memorized all the building names and campus maps。 She was

certain it would be perfect。

?I used to go to Waverly?s rival;? the boy said; pulling a book out of his bag。 ?St。 Lucius。 Our

school hated your school。?

?Oh;? Jenny replied quietly; sinking into her seat。

?I?m kidding。? He smiled and turned back to his book。 Jenny noticed it was Henry

Miller?sTropic of Cancer ; one of her dad?s favorites。 According to Rufus; it had been banned

because it was too right…on in its vicious social mentary about love and sex in New York City。

Hello; sex scenes。 Jenny felt her cheeks growing pink。

Then she realized: she was acting like her old; unsophisticated self。 And one thing was for sure:

Old Jenny obviously wasn?t working for her。

Jenny studied the boy carefully。 She didn?t know him and would probably never see him again;

so why did she care what he thought of her? At Waverly; Jenny was going to be stunning; amazing

New Jenny; the girl who belonged at the center of everything。

So why not bee New Jenny startingright now?

Mustering up her courage; she uncrossed her arms to reveal her rather large double…D chest;

which seemed even bigger; since she was barely five feet tall; and sat up straight。 ?So; um; any

good parts in that book??

The boy looked puzzled; his eyes darting back and forth from Jenny?s innocent face to her chest

to the worn paperback?s cover。 Finally; he wrinkled his nose and answered; ?Maybe。?

?Will you read some to me??

The boy licked his lips。 ?Okay。 But only if you read me a line from that book you?ve got there

first。? He tapped the maroon cover of her belovedWaverly Academy Guide to Ethics。

?Sure。? Jenny opened the rule book。 She?d received it a few weeks ago and had devoured it

cover to cover。 She loved its plush leather binding; its creamy paper stock; and the nursery…rhymey;

slightly condescending; slightly British style in which it was written。 It sounded so wonderfully

proper and upscale; and Jenny was sure that by the time she?d even spent a few weeks at Waverly;

she?d be as polished; graceful; and perfect as Amanda Hearst; the young socialite; or the late

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy。

She cleared her throat。 ?Here?s a good one。 ?Waverly Owls may not dance in a sexually

suggestive manner in public。?? She laughed。 Did that mean they could dance in a sexually

suggestive manner inprivate?

?Do they really refer to you as Waverly Owls?? The boy leaned over to look at the page。 He

smelled like Ivory soap。

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