
波波小说>gossip girl 8 英文 > 第8部分(第1页)


lunch with her jagged; unpainted pinky nail。 ?Yeah; but would you really want to send a boarding

school a whole bunch of paintings of some boy you don?t even talk to anymore?? she asked


Well; at least they?d know I was capable ofhavinga boyfriend ; Jenny retorted silently; suddenly

irked by the prep…piness of Elise?s shell pink Peter Pan…collared blouse and the way her breath

always smelled like yesterday?s egg rolls。

Besides; Waverly sounded like the kind of school that was always evolving; not a party school

per se; but a school that wasn?t afraid to try something new or take a risk on someone。

Likeher; for instance?

Elise stopped picking her teeth and reached for Jenny?s makeup bag; opening it without asking

permission and unscrewing a tube of shimmering lilac…colored Stila lip gloss。 She puckered her

wide mouth and began generously smearing lip gloss all over it。

When Jenny really thought about it; she had taken a risk on Elise。 First she had been friendless;

and now she had a friend; whether she liked it or not。

?You?re right;? she mused; retrieving her makeup bag and spilling it into one of the small; low

sinks。 ?I should send Waverly something new anyway。 Something I haven?t tried before。? She

sorted through the assortment of eyeliners; shadows; and glosses; looking for her favorite Clinique

four…shades…of…gray eye shadow palette in its mint green plastic case。 ?Would you mind if I

painted your portrait with this?? she asked her friend; holding up the palette and feeling suddenly

inspired。 She?d do Elise in eye shadow; her dad in red wine; and Dan in ? instant coffee。 It was

innovative and meaningful; and way better than sending Waverly a tear sheet of her jog bra

modeling debut or her first appearance on Page Six。

Not that Jenny wasn?t still a party girl looking for a party school; but Serena van der Woodsen

had taught her a very important lesson: Party girls are deeper and smarter than they first appear。

Be still her cheating heart

Vanessa was sitting on the floor in her living room wearing only the black

SUGARDADDYDIDHUNGARYT…shirt her sister; Ruby; had sent her from Budapest; a recent

stop on her band?s tour; and a pair of somebody?s gray…and…white striped boxers?it was getting

hard to keep them straight。 She was trying to smoothly splice together Chuck Bass?s horrifying

and amusing interview; plete with pet snow monkey; with Kati and Isabel talking about how

they?d decided to go to Rollins College in Florida together even though Isabel had gotten into

Princeton。 Chuck was wearing a tight white wifebeater T…shirt and was rubbing his beefy;

unnaturally tan arms with Bain de Soleil dark tanning oil as he explained how he stayed golden

brown all year。 His monkey remained curled in his lap; blinking stupidly at the camera with its

creepy light blue eyes。

?Normally I lie in the beds like once; maybe twice a week; or I use this amazing Est?e Lauder

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